Saturday, December 25, 2010

Predator & Prey - Bond Girls

By L. Anthony Cervantes
Eva Green eyeballs Daniel Craig in Casino Royale 
Sometimes predator, sometimes prey, the sultry, sexy and always bold women in the 007 franchise never fail to deliver in their own, patented, inimitable way. On the silver screen, Bond Girls are a breed apart and a species all their own, compliments the creative hand of Ian Fleming.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Russian Vodka Primer - Part 1: Know Your Poison

By Alexander Wildeve
It’s no surprise that one of the stiffest drinks ever invented comes from one of the world’s coldest countries. A shot of syrupy smooth vodka is sure to thaw the blood and put fire in the soul after finding refuge from the -23C bone chiller of a Russian winter. Typically 80 proof (40% alcohol by volume), Russian vodka , a simple and effective blend composed entirely of water and ethanol, is now king behind every bar from Moscow to San Francisco and a staple in every recreational and professional drinker’s arsenal.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Dead Drop Gorgeous - Anna Chapman

By L. Anthony Cervantes
Anna Chapman tripping the lights in New York City…
This agent provocateur and centerfold-ready redhead was working the Manhattan party circuit while passing info to the Russians. Now turned burnt asset for Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR),  redhead player Anya Kushchenko aka Anna Chapman and her career as an undercover agent for the Kremlin came to a skidding climax this week on the tarmac of a secret FSB airport near Moscow.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Keeping it Up - Kim Kardashian

By Rollo Tomasi

Armenia as a republic of the U.S.S.R., and excepting the Stalin period, seemed to have enjoyed a healing interlude from centuries of war and occupation by Arabs, Persians, Mongols and Turks. Today, as the result of Soviet annexation, many prominent Russian businessmen, statesmen, educators and scientists, actors and musicians of Armenian descent contribute significantly to not only CIS, but to global society.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Number One Swan - Anastasia Volochkova

Bolshoi prima ballerina, actress, celebrity and United Russia party member Anastasia Volochova has been unceremoniously removed from the race to decide the next mayor of Sochi, Russia. Sochi, the aging but well known Black Sea resort, was resurrected by Vladimir Putin to win the bid to be the host of the 2014 Winter Olympics.Bolshoi prima ballerina, actress, celebrity and United Russia party member Anastasia Volochkova has been unceremoniously removed from the race to decide the next mayor of Sochi, Russia. Sochi, the aging but well known Black Sea resort, was resurrected by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to win the bid to be the host of the 2014 Winter Olympics.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Crossover Dream - Ksenia Makarova

By Alexander Wildeve

Russia’s #1 Women’s Olympic Figure Skater Ksenia Makarova
Like Pushkin’s finest verse in sensuous motion on skates, delicious ice dream Ksenia Olegovna Makarova glides with a figure so elegant and toned it leaves one breathless in wonder. The grace, the speed and the passion exuded by this 17-year-old #1 Russian Olympic figure skater is astounding.
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