Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Baby Doll - Dating Younger Russian Women

By Rollo Tomasi
26 year old Okana Pochepa, purported paramour of actor Mel Gibson, 54
26 year old Oksana Pochepa, purported paramour of actor Mel Gibson, 54.

Not unlike Caroll Baker’s billing in Elia Kazan’s Baby Doll (Warner Bros. 1956), the life enhancing role of a younger woman in a man’s life can best be summed up as ‘raw electricity’. Following this line of thought, German study tank The Max Planck Institute last year released the results of a report based on Danish subjects which postulates that men who marry younger women will likely live longer.

Caroll Baker, Kazan’s Baby Doll
Caroll Baker, Kazan’s Baby Doll
Men pare down the risk of kicking the bucket prematurely by 11% if they marry a young woman seven to nine years their junior, Max Planck says. This figure rises to 20% for men who marry women between 15 and 17 years younger than they. Any gentlemen out there care to add double digits to your lifespan?

The Max Planck study examined deaths between 1990 and 2005 for the entire population of Denmark.
The study also found that men marrying older women are likely to die earlier.

Some scientists say that these figures may be the product of natural selection, meaning that likely the healthiest, fittest, most well adjusted and most successful older men are able to attract younger women.
Another theory is that “young women will better care for a man enabling him to live longer,” says Sven Drefahi, spokesman for Max Planck.

Katya Ivanova, 22, erstwhile girlfriend of British rocker Ron Wood, 62Katya Ivanova, 22, erstwhile girlfriend of British rocker Ron Wood, 62.

On a social level the issue of younger women and older men (senior by 10-15+ years) is in some environments taboo and in others the norm. America, it seems, has stiff shorts when it comes to such relationships labeling them scandalous and immoral, often using depraved terms such as ‘cradle snatcher’, ‘sugar daddy’, ‘gold digger’, ‘jailbait’ and ‘forbidden fruit’ in such topical conversations.

In the States the ideal is to ‘marry your high school sweetheart’, who is usually within a year of you in age. For American men, dating a younger woman once they’re past 30 or so is broadly considered a rare and special experience. But for the majority of the U.S. population it’s considered somewhat deviant.
But truth be, at least statistically, that America is in the minority by manifesting such Puritan attitudes when compared to the number of societies in the world that weave this lifestyle into the fabric of their culture.

The norm in Asian, Latin and particularly European societies accepts a significant difference in age between younger women and older men as par for the course. For example, on average, most European men marry women in the neighborhood of three or more years their junior. Statistics also show that the average age at which one marries has risen steadily since 1960. This means that men in modern liberalized societies marry later in life from a growing pool of younger women which produces a significant age difference in many couples.

This being status quo for the rest of the world, American attitudes towards acceptable age differences seem to be the exception to the rule, and are positioned quite contrary to many
time honored traditions in most parts of the globe.
In Russia and Ukraine for example, one can easily spot numerous couples widely separated by age. Ask any young Russian woman you happen to meet from Moscow to Odessa, and they’ll readily answer that they actually prefer the company of a worldly, mature man to that of someone their own age.

Social anthropologists believe the choices of Russian women have been limited by the devastation of war, a shorter male lifespan, a declining birthrate and a higher proportion of women to men. All these dynamics contribute to the proliferation of youthful females with limited options for a mate.

With these factors in mind, a well traveled, presentable older gent in reasonably sound physical health represents a good alternative to becoming a spinster in this part of the world.

Russian supermodel Natalia Vodianova, 28, is married to<br /> British aristocrat Justin Portman, 40
Russian supermodel Natalia Vodianova, 28, is married to British aristocrat
Justin Portman, 40.
Indeed, this writer has heard a number of gentlemen on different occasions exclaim that girls here in Russia and Ukraine all seem so young, open to advances from men older than themselves, and additionally seem to want to become married so early. And age doesn’t faze them. What gives? Well, one factor is that women in the former Soviet bloc mature more quickly than men do. And while this may be true throughout the world, in Eastern Europe it’s taken as a serious reason for women to be married by their mid-twenties. So much so that they almost automatically expand their options by including men in an older age bracket as potential husbands.

This seems to be best supported at least in part by the results uncovered by the good folks at Max Planck. This is natural selection, alive and well in Russia Ukraine and many parts of the world.

This is what the good Lord intended. And just like eating the choicest, freshest fruits and vegetables is most beneficial to one’s health and vigor, so having a younger woman is the best tonic for a guy’s longevity. And ladies seem to be programmed this way as well. It’s not rocket surgery to understand that a younger woman has your best interests at heart when she looks into your eyes and asks why you haven’t yet invited her to see your apartment in central Moscow.

Black Book’s tangential theory presumes that when a guy is planking appreciably younger women, he can’t help but enjoy himself to the point of better health and happiness. The issue is at that point out of his hands, so he may as well succumb to natural instinct and enjoy. The younger women is merely attempting to contribute to your mental and physical health, thus providing you with a longer and better quality of life.

You now have the Black Book stamp of approval to let your libido run free…within reason.
Carrol Baker and Eli Wallach practice life extension therapyCarrol Baker and Eli Wallach practice life extension therapy

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